Discovering Hope After the Loss of a Husband (Malkie Gordon Hirsch) PART 1

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One day, Malkie Gordon Hirsch received a phone call that would forever change her life. She was told that her husband had collapsed at work and had passed away. She was then left to not only navigate through her own grief but also try to help her five children process through the loss of their father.

Processing Through the Grief of Death by Suicide (Anne Moss Rogers)

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Grief is incredibly difficult to process through and understand. Navigating through the grief of losing a child is something that could potentially destroy someone. We have a returning guest, the incredible Anne Moss Rogers who sheds light on the hope found within grief and the process of healing after losing a child to death by suicide.

Navigating the Grief of Losing a Mother (Rachel and Sarina Rofe)

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Many of you have heard me mention a dear friend of mine named Holly, who we unfortunately lost way too soon several years ago. I had the honor of interviewing her two beautiful daughters to discuss this very vulnerable topic of grief and hear how they have navigated through the process of losing someone so special to them.

Exploring the Topic of GRIEF (Matana Jacobs)

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In today’s episode, I share with you why this topic is so dear to my heart. Although I have not personally experienced grief in the sense of losing someone close to me unexpectedly, I recently experienced a deep fear of the unknown of grief. I have so many questions about it and have realized that I know little about the topic.

Self-Acceptance and Learning to Love Yourself (Dr. Jane Tornatore)

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This month we are talking about the practice of self-love. In theory you may be drawn to the idea of implementing self-care routines and learning to love yourself, however it is often  more difficult to practice than we anticipate. Sometimes it is easy to compare yourself to others and be your own worst critic.