It is no secret that I love the subject of gratitude. However, after recently going through a meditation led by our guest this week, David Scheiner, I realized that there was another level that I wanted to take my meditation and gratitude practice.
Overcoming Depression After a Friend’s Suicide (Andreas Zapletal)
I am excited to introduce you to consultant, project manager, runner, and listener of the show, Andreas Zapletal whom I recently got to know through a mutual networking group that we are in.
In Loving Memory Of My Dear Cousin Dr. Avigail Rock (Attitude with Gratitude)
Can you find gratitude in the midst of grief?
This week, on my birthday, my first cousin Avigail lost her battle to cancer, leaving behind a husband and five children. She was a brilliant woman and we will miss her terribly.
Using Bipolar to Make a Big Difference in the World (Zahava List)
This week we are sharing the POWERFUL story of Zahava List, the co-founder of Chazkeinu an organization that provides peer support and resources for Jewish women struggling with mental illness.
The Impact of Receiving Gratitude Graciously (Attitude with Gratitude)
Do you struggle receiving thanks? Or compliments? If someone expresses gratitude to you, do you shake it off or struggle with knowing what to say? This week on Attitude with Gratitude, we are discussing how to receive gratitude and why it is so important to do so.
Tips on How to Cope with Borderline Personality Disorder (Paul Sokol)
Do you or someone you love suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? In today’s episode, I had the honor of sitting down with entrepreneur, and music enthusiast, Paul Sokol as he generously shares with us about his experiences with BPD and how it has affected him both professionally and personally.
Gratitude Thanking People (Attitude with Gratitude)
In this week’s Attitude of Gratitude, I wanted to do something a little bit different. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been talking about finding gratitude in things or situationsthat we have in our lives.
Coping with Depression and Anxiety and Taking on Travel at the Same Time (Mari Stracke)
How do you handle depression and anxiety when you travel? What about when there are major life changes and you feel alone? How can you lean on others and use gratitude to pull you through some of the darkest of times?
Gratitude Works (Attitude with Gratitude)
This week, I share with you another powerful book that has helped transform the way that I practice gratitude and use gratitude to shift my energy. The book is called Gratitude Worksby Robert Emmons.
A Neuroscientist’s Personal Mental Health Journey (Dr. Selena Bartlett)
Can your brain CHANGE? Do we have the power to rewire unhealthy patterns, reverse years of bad habits, and create a new future for ourselves? Our guest this week says that we can and that our brains are MUCH more powerful than we could even imagine.