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Can you find gratitude in the midst of grief?

This week, on my birthday, my first cousin Avigail lost her battle to cancer, leaving behind a husband and five children. She was a brilliant woman and we will miss her terribly. Through this loss, I learned an important lesson that I want to share with you in today’s episode.

After her passing, I began to reflect on my life and the importance of being grateful for each day. We are not guaranteed tomorrow and I realized that I needed to be grateful for every day of my life. Although my birthday was a difficult day to celebrate, I did a small practice that was very powerful and want to challenge you to join me.

I took my 43rd birthday as an opportunity to make a list of 43 memories that I am grateful for. Each year of my life I reflected on and was overwhelmed with gratitude. This practice was incredibly eye-opening for me because I started to remember the precious memories that I had forgotten.

Today I invite you to join me. Even through grief and sadness there is always hope. Join our private Facebook community and let us know about your own list, and the memories you are grateful for. Because as always, together is better.

Topics Discussed:

  • Finding gratitude in grief.
  • Being grateful for the life we live and appreciating each day.
  • A challenge to make a gratitude list.