Seeing someone you love suffering from a mental illness is extremely difficult, especially as a child. Processing through your own emotions all while being a support for them is a hard balancing act and can subject the caregiver with their own mental health struggles.
Gratitude: Remembering Where You Came From (Attitude with Gratitude)
Today, I wanted to discuss giving gratitude to the people who formed us. We have to remember where we came from and how we became who we are. Yes, we become who we are because of the circumstances and events in our lives, but we are really shaped by the PEOPLE in our lives. This episode I want to dedicate to my parents and mentor Rachel.
Gratitude CPR (Vismaya Rubin) (Attitude with Gratitude)
Does gratitude REALLY make a difference? Do our lives truly improve through the daily practice of being thankful?
Gratitude Meditation (David Scheiner)
It is no secret that I love the subject of gratitude. However, after recently going through a meditation led by our guest this week, David Scheiner, I realized that there was another level that I wanted to take my meditation and gratitude practice.
In Loving Memory Of My Dear Cousin Dr. Avigail Rock (Attitude with Gratitude)
Can you find gratitude in the midst of grief?
This week, on my birthday, my first cousin Avigail lost her battle to cancer, leaving behind a husband and five children. She was a brilliant woman and we will miss her terribly.
A Neuroscientist’s Personal Mental Health Journey (Dr. Selena Bartlett)
Can your brain CHANGE? Do we have the power to rewire unhealthy patterns, reverse years of bad habits, and create a new future for ourselves? Our guest this week says that we can and that our brains are MUCH more powerful than we could even imagine.
Attitude With Gratitude Lesson #2
Every Thursday I want to invite the community to get involved in creating a space to fill with gratitude. If […]
Read moreAttitude With Gratitude Lesson #1
Hello, to all of my friends and followers in this odyssey of healing and helping others to heal, Nine years […]
Read moreDoes Gratitude Lead to Joy or Does Joy Lead to Gratitude? (Attitude with Gratitude)
I am reading a book right now by Melody Beattie, “Making Miracles in 40 Days.” that has a unique perspective on gratitude. How do you find gratitude in your life when things are not going well? How do we make space for gratitude even in the darkest of times?
Find Your Mimi
One of the number one questions that I get about depression and anxiety is how to know when and who to confide in about your struggle. This can be a very lonely journey and you may be desperate to share with a loved one or a friend but you may worry about how they may take it or if they will treat you differently.