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Seeing someone you love suffering from a mental illness is extremely difficult, especially as a child. Processing through your own emotions all while being a support for them is a hard balancing act and can subject the caregiver with their own mental health struggles.

This week we are connecting with the author of Breaking Into My Life, Michelle Dickinson about what it was like for her to grow up with a mother suffering from BiPolar disorder. Michelle graciously shares with us about her adoption journey, what it was like living in a home with mental illness, and how she has navigated adulthood after enduring trauma as a child.

In this episode, you will learn about the importance of forgiveness, how we can humanize mental health which helps us remove the stigma, and why it is vital to separate mental illness from the individual. This is a powerful interview that is not only educational but also inspiring to those who are caregivers to loved ones suffering from mental illness.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a mental illness, having a supportive community is everything. We would love to lock arms with you and walk alongside you in your journey. Please connect with us in our private facebook group:

Connect with Michelle Dickinson: 

Topics Discussed:

  • Separating the person from the illness.
  • The importance of sharing your story and letting go of shame.
  • The importance of courageously asking for what you want.