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I am reading a book right now by Melody Beattie, “Making Miracles in 40 Days.”  that has a unique perspective on gratitude. How do you find gratitude in your life when things are not going well? How do we make space for gratitude even in the darkest of times?  It is a short practice that I will be walking through over the next couple of weeks and I invite you to join me.

It’s not about not acknowledging things that are hard in your life. It is actually the opposite. It’s about giving space for those emotions and TRULY feeling them. Sometimes when we block our emotions it blocks us from our goals because we are carrying negative energy.

I also share with you a perspective on this topic from one of my favorite teachers, Brene Brown. Brene shines a new light on the link between joy and gratitude that you do not want to miss.

Please share your gratitude in our community! Find us on Facebook and let’s support one another flex our gratitude muscles!

Topics Discussed:

  • How to find gratitude in the hard times.
  • The link between joy and gratitude (it’s not what you may think!)
  • A 40-day challenge that I am going on (and invite you to)


Making Miracles in 40 Days: Melody Beattie

Daring Greatly: Brene Brown