The Light of Other Days (Gary Sweeney)

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Author Gary Sweeney, wrote a brilliant memoir about growing up with his great-grandparents’ support. His book, The Light of Other Days, shows us the positive person that his great-grandfather was in his life, rather than focusing on his abusive parents, teachers and others. The title’s intent is to focus on the good days that have been or will be, rather than the deep darkness of the present. Gary experienced depression and lives with anxiety and sensory processing issues.

Are Your Excuses Reasons or Reasons Excuses? (Solo)

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Often, we confuse our excuses to be reasons and our reasons to be excuses. We are often certain that the excuse is really a defining reason for us, but we fear it because it might force us to work on something we really don’t want to, or face an issue we’d rather not deal with. if we really, truly want to change our lifestyle to move out of a rut, whether mental health, relationships, trying to attract more positivity in our lives, we need to ask the basic question, how much do we really want that change?

Growing After Parental Hoarding (Margy Feldhuhn)

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Margy’s father committed suicide and her struggle with his mental health symptoms didn’t end with his death. He was a hoarder. Margy, as his only child, was thrust into the role of going through her parents’ house after he passed. She was the one who had to hire help and a dumpster and motivate her mother to go through her belongings every single day until the house was cleaned out.

Does Eating Turkey Give You Power? (Solo)

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As the Holiday of Thanksgiving 2021 is upon us, we can harness its energy and message. Gratitude is an essential gift for harnessing and focusing our innate power and allows us to grow and gift to others. Thanksgiving is a holiday that encompasses the idea into a concrete moment, allowing us to reflect on our blessings, recognize them and appreciate them.

Chazkeinu: Past, Present & Future

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You might know someone with mental illness. Maybe it’s you; maybe a family member or friend. But it is someone you wish to see get better. You’ve seen them suffer, even while in treatment. Perhaps you have suffered as well. You wish there was another way for them to find help and hope in the darkness. Chazkeinu was created to offer that additional support to Orthodox Jewish women living with mental illness.

Will You Be 1 of 25? (Solo)

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As we work on ourselves, we sometimes find that doing it alone is not enough. In this episode, Matana shares some of the details on the upcoming 2021 Heal with Gold & Gratefulness retreat and what we can expect. For the lucky 25 women selected to join, this retreat will be chock-full of tools, tips and techniques towards the path of healing, self motivation, sharing and inspiration.

Fixing Broken After Trauma (Joe Brikman)

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Joe Brikman joins us to share with us how he has come to thrive, despite adversity. As a boy, he was sexually abused by a female babysitter and at the age of 12, shortly after he told his parents, his father was diagnosed with cancer. Joe was sent off to a boarding school where, no matter his accomplishments, it seemed he could never live up to their strict expectations. This, combined with the flashbacks and issues he was dealing with, made him feel hopeless, and he attempted suicide on his 14th birthday.

Year One: Documenting Postpartum Depression (Erin Bagwell)

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When I heard Erin Bagwell share her perspective on her experience with Postpartum Depression (PPD), I knew I had to have her on the show. In this powerful and raw episode, we discuss our own experiences with mental health in early motherhood and what new moms often go through.

The Power of Affirmations (Bob Baker)

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Bob Baker has been my virtual mentor for years. I have never actually met him before, but every morning, I listen to his podcast and let him guide me in speaking affirmations over my life. He is here today to share with us his own journey to embracing affirmations. Positivity had such a huge impact on my own healing, and Bob plays a big part in keeping that going in my daily life.