The Power to CHOOSE Gratitude (Attitude with Gratitude)

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Today I am coming back to you from Jerusalem. We are ending our fabulous trip and heading back to the States in the morning, but I wanted to wrap up this journey with another lesson about gratitude that I have learned over the past couple of weeks.

Educating Young People About Mental Illness (Tammy Ozolins)

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After years of struggling with depression and manic episodes, Tammy Ozolins finally received the diagnosis of Bipolar Two with Rapid Cycling. As an educator, she has made the brave decision to talk publicly about her mental health journey in order to end the stigma and educate young people on the realities of mental health.

Jump Start Your Year with Gratitude (Attitude with Gratitude)

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This week is a special week in the Jewish community. We are celebrating our New Year and for me that means a time of intentional reflection. I like to take a moment this time of year to reflect on all the things I have to be grateful for.