In today’s episode of Attitude of Gratitude I want to share a story with you about an incredible act of kindness that I received last week and the ripple effect that it had not only on my life but in the lives of others.
Practicing Gratitude (Attitude of Gratitude)
As Brene Brown says, “There is never joy without gratitude, they are both connected!” I have been experiencing that a lot lately. So I decided on today’s episode of Attitude of Gratitude, not to teach about gratitude like we normally do, but instead PRACTICE gratitude with you, the listener. Are you ready?
Experiencing Gratitude After Challenges (Attitude of Gratitude)
Last week was an incredibly difficult week. My youngest child was very sick and there were several things going on in my personal life that made the week very challenging. Several times it felt as though I was at a breaking point, so I used gratitude to recharge and help ease me through anxiety and sleep deprivation.
Happiness’ Role in Mental Health (Dr. Tal Ben Shahar)
What is happiness? Is it something that we earn? Something that is dependent on outside circumstances? Is it something that we can experience even in the midst of mental health struggles? This week I had the incredible honor of connecting with someone that I have looked up to for a long time, the co-founder of Happiness Studies Academy, author, and Harvard lecturer Dr. Tal Ben Shahar.
Gratitude In the Midst of Disappointment (Attitude of Gratitude)
Today we are going to talk about being grateful in the midst of disappointment. In the past, when I was expecting something, or excited about an upcoming event, I would be extremely disappointed if it didn’t work out. It would actually affect my mood to a point where I would get into a very negative place.
Holistic Approach to Our Emotions (Zahraa Surtee)
Are there “good” emotions and “bad” emotions? Should we push away feelings of sadness or anger and seek to immediately replace them with more “acceptable” ways to feel? How about our mental health? Should we admit when we are struggling or hold back our struggles in order to not burden those around us?
Choosing Higher Vibrations (Attitude of Gratitude)
Today I wanted to share something with you that I have noticed about myself. In the past, I used to ask my extremely positive husband and father to “tone it down” with their positivity. I would question why they were so happy and why they intentionally chose joy everyday. I did not understand how anyone could live in such a high vibration simply by being alive.
Making Miracles: A Book Review (Attitude of Gratitude)
On today’s episode of Attitude of Gratitude I wanted to follow up on the book that I have been reading, Making Miracles in 40 Days. I mentioned that I was starting this book back in episode six (listen here) and that I would be returning to share with you what I learned.
How to “Squish” Mental Health Stigma (John Lang & Max Fritzhand)
Do you feel truly supported in your mental health journey? Do you wish that there were more people for you to talk to and lean on when you are going through a difficult time? This week, I am excited to share with you about a company called Squish, which is looking to solve this problem and bring hope to the mental health field.
Gratitude During Tragedy: The Loss of Kobe (Attitude of Gratitude)
We lost a giant this week. The loss of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and the other passengers was a trauma that we collectively experienced. Many of us did not know him personally, however we felt as though we did because of the impact that he made on our lives.