How To Be More Successful With Less Stress (Dr. Cristy Lopez)

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For the past 20+ years, Dr. Lopez has been helping highly stressed professionals reduce anxiety and stress in 10 minutes or less, without years of therapy or medication, so they can quickly and confidently respond to their inner critic, fall asleep faster, have fewer head or stomach aches, slow their brain down, be present in their relationships, and reach higher levels of performance.

Breaking the Stigma around Self-Love (1 Year Celebration)

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We are celebrating one full YEAR of Hope to Recharge and I have learned so much over the past hundred episodes! Before embarking on this journey, I thought I knew a lot about mental health, but after interviewing so many experts and hearing others’ stories, I realized how much more there is to learn, and how REAL the stigma around mental health really is.

The Upside of Being Down in Mental Health (Jen Gotch)

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Do you ever feel like you need to change who you are in order to fit into the rest of the world? Have you ever dealt with feeling “unseen” by those around you and struggle with a sense of belonging? This week we are with the incredible Jen Gotch who shares with us why there is an “upside” to being down.