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Bob Baker has been my virtual mentor for years. I have never actually met him before, but every morning, I listen to his podcast and let him guide me in speaking affirmations over my life. He is here today to share with us his own journey to embracing affirmations. Positivity had such a huge impact on my own healing, and Bob plays a big part in keeping that going in my daily life.

Despite what you might think because of his current gregariousness and big personality, Bob was actually quite shy and insecure as a teen. His junior year of high school, his good friend handed him a book by Wayne Dyre called Your Erroneous Zones. This book opened his eyes to a new world of possibilities. Suddenly, he realized: he could control his own destiny by choosing positive thoughts. He learned that thoughts influence emotions, which influence actions, which influence the direction a life can go. From there, Bob explored meditation, positivity, and spirituality. He saw success in his career and became a coach to other aspiring entertainers. He started a YouTube channel with all kinds of content and found his affirmation videos to be the most popular, so that has become his focus, and he just published a book about it.

Bob explained to me why affirmations work. Whatever you allow to be a consistent part of your thinking, that is what you will see in the world. It’s like when you get a new car and you start to notice everyone around you who is driving the same type. It wasn’t in your consciousness before, so you didn’t see it. If you purposely put positivity into your consciousness, you will begin to see it everywhere. That is why you should speak positive words over your day.

What do you do when you don’t believe anything positive? Is it all a lie? One suggestion is to reword the affirmation so it is true for you. So, instead of saying, “I am a millionaire,” you can change it to, “I am open and receptive to new streams of income coming into my life.” And when you start your day anticipating new ways of making money, you will see the possibilities around you as possible instead of just dismissing them as impossible. Can’t figure out how to be grateful? Try saying, “I’m open to the idea of understanding gratitude.” If that’s not working for you, either give that affirmation a break and find an easier one, or double down and tell yourself the positive thought repeatedly until you believe it.

The most important strategy in having affirmations change your life is consistency. Do them every day. Believe they are possible, even when you can’t see how to get there. Don’t give up. Keep saying them over your life until they manifest because you have been open to their truth.

Through this journey of leading people to positive thinking, Bob has accidentally built an online family full of encouragement for its members who are, for the most part, not receiving positivity from their in-person communities. If you subscribe to his YouTube channel (, you can join the community here: .

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  • “Gratitude, I think, is like really one of the first steps to personal development and appreciating what you have now. I think it paves the way and opens things up for more good to come in.” @BobBaker @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge
  • “If you’re willing to give the disaster an opportunity, also give the fabulous an opportunity.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge
  • “Shine your light… let your authentic self come out.” @BobBaker @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge
  • “Let’s continue to spread the joy and the good.” @BobBaker @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

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