Surviving 9/11: Perseverance & Rebuilding After Catastrophe (Ari Schonbrun)

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For the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I had the privilege of interviewing one of the few people who survived the attack from a higher floor in the tower. Ari Schonbrun worked on the 101st floor in the accounts receivables department of a stock market firm. Of their 960 employees in that office, only 302 survived. Most of those who lived were not in the office that day.

DBT & Radical Acceptance Coping Skills (Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick)

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We asked Dr. Kobernick to come back because I have been getting tons of questions about Radical Acceptance, which is a building block of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). I’ve also noticed that our most popular episodes have been those about BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and DBT so, I knew we needed an expert to come in and talk about it some more.

Own Your Own Story (Dr. Jen Fit)

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Jen shares how her close friends, family and even her own body had been trying to alert her to the unhealthiness of her romantic relationship, but she had not been willing to listen. Even when her intuition said something was not right, she could not find a logical reason to feel that way, so she stayed. She kept hoping it would turn out like she dreamed. It wasn’t until after the relationship ended that she realized most of the problems they were having stemmed from differing core values. It wasn’t that either one of them was a good or bad person at the fundamental level.

Mindset 101: Ignore Negativity & Set Goals (Naomi Pelled)

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Naomi’s original motivators to lose weight did not work in the long term. This was partly because they were all about avoiding something negative, not about gaining a positive (“I want to lose weight so I won’t be judged by strangers” vs “I want to lose weight so I can run around with my children”). The people surrounding her encouraged her to change focus. She calls these people her “team.” This includes not only her friends, colleagues, and family but also podcasters whom she listens to and authors she reads regularly, but has never met.