Finding My Orthodox Authenticity (Solo)

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There has been a lot of talk on social media about the Netflix show My Unorthodox Life these last couple weeks, and it has brought up a lot of different emotions for me. I thought I had healed from my upbringing, but I have found that I am still broken. After listening to others express their feelings for several days, I wanted to share how it has made me feel and what I have learned from this experience. 

Opening the Box (Solo)

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As Matana celebrates a two year milestone and wishes a Happy Birthday to the Hope to Recharge podcast, she gives gratitude to those instrumental in those who offered support and guidance in its creation. Although the microphone for the podcast was purchased many many months prior, she couldn’t get the first step in opening the box and it laid on the side for some time. Through perseverance and hand holding, she took that initial step to open the box, despite her fears, anxiety and doubt.

Finding Fulfillment with Core Values (Dr. John Demartini)

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Dr. John Demartini’s books and podcasts taught me a tremendous about the law of attraction and living with gratefulness and changed how I view life and he shares his insight on the topic of core values, which are the vales that are most important to each of us. For some, this is learning or respecting others’ time or not being wasteful. For others, it may be teaching, being present in the moment, generosity or spontaneous fun. Each person is has a different set of core values as life is not black and white and there are many shades of gray and colors. Besides most universally accepted divine laws such as, “Murder is bad,” there are no universal values, as everyone has a different focus which they bring to the table.