October 7th (Solo)

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In this heartfelt and personal episode, Matana shares her experiences and reflections on recent events in Israel, including the conflict and war. She emphasizes the significance of checking in with one’s emotions and needs, expressing empathy, and choosing love and kindness in the face of adversity.

Breaking the Stigma & Shedding Light on Adult ADHD (Dr. Dara Abraham)

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Awareness can be the first step towards empowerment, and such is the case with adult ADHD. In this episode, join Matana and Dr. Dara Abraham, a psychiatrist specializing in adult ADHD, as they discuss the differences in ADHD symptoms presentation between children and adults, and the general process of getting diagnosed and treated later in life. They also tackle the benefits and side effects of medication as a first-line treatment, other possible forms of care, as well as the common misconceptions about ADHD diagnosis that cause others to hesitate from seeking help.

From Grief to Grace: Molly’s Inspiring Transformation After the Tragic Loss of Her Daughter (Molly Jackson)

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In this podcast episode, we are privileged to engage in a deeply moving conversation with Molly Jackson, focusing on resilience, grief, hope, and finding inspiration amidst profound loss. Molly shares her heart-wrenching experience of losing her daughter Lucy, who tragically passed away after choking on an apple. We delve into the immediate aftermath of Lucy’s passing, the heartbreak, and the intense grief that followed. We explore the complexities of grief, the differences in coping mechanisms, and the transformative power of sharing one’s story.

The Language of Vibration: How Words Shape Our Energy and Reality (Giselle van Lux)

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Giselle van Lux, based in Berlin, Germany, is blessed from birth with the unique ability to see and feel energy, in words, both thought or spoken and can transform energies in seconds for an uplifting personal growth. This gift enables her to directly “read” energy signatures. She works as a consciousness coach, helping clients work on their energies and realize the power of words in order to manifest the best versions of themselves .

Improve Your Mental Health (& Life) By Becoming Self Aware (Solo)

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As we start enter into May, designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, Matana reflects on four years of Hope to Recharge and celebrates walking alongside mental health warriors. She shares how she balances work and passions and lessons learned at the happiness Study Academy retreat in Lake Como, Italy and traveling through Switzerland. Offering practical tips for today and tomorrow as well as the importance of flexibility in mental health support by discovering Switzerland and how the power of manifestation in travel and life can help find gratitude in hectic seasons. She discussed the different styles of mental health support offered by a therapist vs. coach and insights gleaned from the positive psychology of Tal Ben-Shahar, that discuss the strategies for a happier and more fulfilling life.

Getting Unstuck: Live with More Mindfulness & Purpose (Dr. Leah Katz)

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Having a strained relationship with religion is not new for a lot of people, especially those that come from an Orthodox background. In this episode, Matana and Dr. Leah Katz, a clinical psychologist who specializes in working with teenagers and adults, talks with us about the role of mindfulness in breaking free from the traditions and expectations that keep us from living an authentic life and the journey towards living your authentic self and dealing with the obstacles that come with it. They also tackle the difference between spirituality and religion, and how mindfulness helps in redefining our approach to religion, traditional beliefs, and God.

Sex & Intimacy in the Orthodox Jewish Community: What’s working, What’s not working & What needs to change (Talli Rosenbaum)

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Talli Rosenbaum, an individual, couples and certified sex therapist, who deals mainly with human relationships, and in particular, intimate relationships, joins us in this eye opening episode that confronts a controversial topic that needs exploration. Suppressed and overt traumas of all kinds can be often be triggered and revealed in intimate and personal sexual situations. Even more, one’s first sexual experience in of itself, can be perceived as a traumatic event, if conversation, mutual expectations, assumptions and desires are not properly addressed in advance.

Listen to Understand (Solo)

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In this first episode of 2023, Matana walks through the steps of how to focus on listening. Others often turn to us to unpack concerns, share moments and be a listening ear but we may not give the attention they deserve, despite our best intentions. Moreoften, people aren’t using the words to accurately transmit what they wish to convey or the emotions they feel.

Gratitude Meditation – Invite & Ignite Living Alive (Solo)

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Each morning I start my day with a gratitude meditation that grounds me, brings me back to “center” and “balances” me for the day as much as possible. This process helps me to focus on things that matter to me and still allows space for what hurts at the same time.