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We are back after having taking February off.

Many incredible things happened over the course of this month. A distant friend sent me a book on “Nishmat”, the very prayer I try to practice each morning. Several other friends and acquaintances also sent gifts and notes that went exactly in line with what I was doing. Speaking engagements also fell into line. Simply pursuing what one wants, sends energy out into the universe that leads people to (unknowingly) do things for us.

Taking time off allows us to pursue what our hearts truly desire and love to do. Speaking to those in need feeds my soul, and because I had cleared my schedule, I was able to take on several last-minute engagements.

The long lasting snowstorms made me yearn for summer but also reminds me that time heals. As winter will eventually come to an end, hard times in life won’t last forever. When struggling with having to wear so many layers of clothing to keep warm in the bitter cold days, I picture the day that is coming: the day when I’ll be able to throw on flip flops and run out the door into the sun. That imagery gives hope and a smile about the future, which helps us to endure the present. We can know that whatever season we are in won’t last for the rest of our lives. Something better is coming, and if we focus on that, we can smile and keep going.

Silence has been proven to be important for success. In the silence, the issues we are hiding from come up, and we have to deal with them. If we continue to pretend they don’t exist, we will never grow. We also need time to rest, to recharge, and to reflect on who we are and what we are doing and why. We need time to remember what will feed our souls. Rather than getting caught up in the hurricane of life and doing what we’re told, stop. Think. What do you actually want to do?

Taking a break is so important in so many ways. We should all find a way to do so regularly. Give yourself that gift. You deserve it.

Coming this month: more episodes about teens and mental health

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We hope you also take the time to pause, in order to heal and become stronger. What do you do in order to unwind and regroup? We’d love to hear. Share your thoughts with us in our private Facebook group.


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As we all know, sharing can help others. We are here to support each other and to learn from each other. In mental health, Together is better.

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“The amount of energy I accumulated this past month for the next 10 months of the year is something that I could not have acquired if I didn’t. press. pause” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

“This month was all about saying ‘Yes’ to what I wanted… everything I did was out of want, desire.”@MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

“But when I said yes, I said yes, because I wanted the action of delivering my journey. But the moment of is so precious.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

“Silence is essential to growth because you know what comes up in silence, all the messy parts that we get to address and move out of the way we have to clean ourselves out.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

“We don’t have to have clarity. We have to just say yes or no to things that feel right or wrong and then moves forward. Same thing with healing.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge

“Don’t wait until the future to be happy. Bring that vision of the future into the now and then you’re happy.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge


Topics Discussed

  • The power of saying “Nishmat”, a prayer of gratitude.
  • The importance of meditation, mindfulness, reading books
  • The gift of pressing pause
  • The power of positive energy
  • Choosing to pursue only what makes you feel good, despite expectations
  • Being grateful for the future that is coming


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