Identifying Core Values for Self Awareness (Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell)

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Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell shares her story of choosing to let her core values lead her life, even when others don’t understand. She was unwed until her 40’s because she would not settle for a marriage that did not align with her values. Because of this experience, much of her work has been about helping others thrive as a single person.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick)

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Dr. Kobernick is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Founder and Director of The CBT/DBT Center. DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy which is a “behavior therapy”. She helps patients target behaviors in order to affect how they are feeling. The additional layer here is Dialectics – which is a type of philosophy that states that there are always multiple truths and more than one way of looking at something in our world. This is important because it helps us to see the grays rather than getting stuck in the black and white.