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Today’s episode of Hope to Recharge is sponsored by is the world’s leading provider of online therapy. Their mission is to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient, so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided.

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As children are returning to in-person schooling, we reflect on the time shared together over the past couple of months. As many people have been ignoring the positive, we try to embrace it.

In this episode, we discuss lamenting how children going back to school, both because we miss their time together and the new restrictions they face in their day to day. We all have choices, and each family has to handle how they make their choices.

We talk about masks and following the rules. We’re living in a world that is quick to cast blame, and sometimes we desire to sit in the victim seat instead of doing the messy work. The modern world is a lot to deal with, but we have to ask ourselves: What can I do with what I have?

We also discuss the link that seems to have been created between Covid and increased rates of suicide, delving into the idea that it might not be the masks and the social distancing that makes this link strong, but rather our culture that doesn’t know how to be uncomfortable, that’s responsible for this unfortunate rise.

Some people who have been dealing with mental illness are thriving right now, while others are sinking deeper into Depression.


Topics Discussed:

  • Staying positive through Current Events
  • Blame vs. Personal Choices
  • Covid-19 and rising Suicide rates



  • “But I had a choice to make, and I made the choice. And once I made the choice I needed to be okay with it. Yes, it was a little bit hard for me that day, and I sat with my pain and I spoke to my pain and I cried and I had my support. But there wasn’t a blame factor. It was awareness of my feelings, it was sitting with my feelings, and I was making a commitment that I was going to do the best I can with what I have. It’s owning responsibility for choices that we make in our life.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge
  • “They are thriving, because they make a choice. Because we realize when we struggle with mental illness that we have to make hard choices. And we own what we have, and we pivot, and we move forward, and we don’t blame. We do the best we can.”  @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge.
  • “And I’m going to tell you, that a lot of people are blaming the increase in suicide to Covid, and I’m going to say, it’s not to Covid, it’s to the spoiled society that doesn’t learn to be uncomfortable sometimes, and pivot.” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge
  • “Give yuckiness a time, give it a time, it’s no problem. Give emotions time, talk to them, ask them what they’re there to tell you, to teach you. But at a certain point say, ‘okay now it’s my Choice.’” @MatanaJacobs #HopetoRecharge


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Suicide Hotlines:

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